Advent Calendar Day 10 - Laughter for the Soul - Core Results

Advent Calendar Day 10 – Laughter for the Soul

Add humour into your life and laugh! Not only does laughing make you feel better it makes other people feel better too.

December particularly is a month where people reflect on loved ones lost, challenges they have encountered throughout the year, and some people need a bit of cheering up.

So what’s the science? Laughter can decreases stress hormones and at the same time increase immune cells, plus the all important infection-fighting antibodies, this effectively makes you more resistance to disease. Laughter also triggers the release of fantastic endorphins, which is the body’s natural feel-good chemicals that promote an overall sense of well-being and can even temporarily relieve pain.

Benefits of Laughter:

  1. Relax – A good old laugh relieves tension and stress, amazing that it can leave your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes.
  2. Boosts immunity – Laughter decreases stress and increases fighting antibodies, which improves your disease resistance.
  3. Feel good – The body’s natural feel-good chemicals endorphins are released and this provides a sense of well-being and even temporarily relieve pain.
  4. Healthy heart – Laughter improves blood vessel function and blood flow, which ultimately helps protect you against a heart attack.
  5. Lose weight – Laughing definitely isn’t a gym replacement, but one study found that laughing for up to 15 minutes everyday can burn apx 40 calories—which could be enough to lose three or four pounds over a year.

We have found a few videos to add a good chuckle to your day, and they have a health and fitness theme, however JP Spears does not take himself seriously at all. He is active in the industry, but has created an alter ego that points out the good and the bad about our industry whilst injecting his own dry humour.

So here are two links. One to his compilation video about bio hacking on Facebook and if you are not on Facebook, you can find his YouTube channel on the second link. Enjoy!


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