Advent Calendar Day 19 – Home Exercise Programme – Supine Single Leg Hip Extension - Core Results

Advent Calendar Day 19 – Home Exercise Programme – Supine Single Leg Hip Extension

Here is a great simple core, glute and hamstring exercise to add to your Home Exercise Programme.

  1. Start on your back with legs bent and feet flat on floor
  2. Lift hips up until your have a straight line from knees to shoulders
  3. Keep shoulders down away from ears and arms down by your side, palms up
  4. Your aim here is to slowly change from one leg to the other trying not to twist your hips or lose knee alignment
  5. Keep a fist width gap between your knees or squeeze a towel between them to maintain correct position
  6. Squeeze your butt and brace your core as you perform this exercise, while keeping hips up

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