It’s a shiny new year full of opportunity and possibility, so how are your New Years resolutions holding up so far?
According to reports, the third week in January is the week that most people give up on their new year’s resolutions. January 16th is known as “Blue Monday”, apparently the most depressing day of the year. This may all be so, but surely it is not enough to make the vast majority of people give up on their gym memberships.
This compelled me to do a bit of research and what resulted was rather interesting.
Apparently, 12% of all new gym members join in January and some health clubs see an increase in usage of between 30% to 50% in this period.
Health Clubs typically sell memberships with the expectation that 18% of people will actually use them and there is only a 1 in 5 chance that people will consistently use their membership for more than a month. Surprisingly about 65% of gym members never even go, and apparently one third of people who purchase online fitness and health products never even download them.
More than two thirds of Brits made a New Year’s resolution to get fit, but over a third of those that signed up for memberships will quit by the end of January. Furthermore the second week of January is the busiest week in the gym for the year and many will abandon their resolutions by the end of the third week. So the drop off is pretty quick.
The Fitness Association (UK) states that 22% of people who have joined a gym will throw in the towel within 24 weeks. Apparently, statistics show that 59% of men and 15% of women quit their fitness regime in January. This indicates that we have a problem in the health and fitness industry.
Something needs to change if we want to make a significant impact on the health and fitness of the UK population, and take the pressure off the NHS. A large percentage of the population that realise that they have to do something to improve their health and fitness, but the current offering is clearly not working.
Over the next 3 blog posts, we will look at the reasons why people give up on their resolutions and what can be done to make sure it doesn’t happen.
To begin on the right track this year however, you could book in for a free consultation to come and see us at Core Results and discuss how we can assist you to not become one of the statistics that gave up on their New Year health and fitness resolutions