New Years Resolution Archives - Core Results

Category Archives for New Years Resolution

Goal Setting 2018

So the avalanche of goal setting emails and posts have started hitting my inbox and it has got me thinking. Maybe I can be persuaded to share some insights with you. I was watching BBC Breakfast the other morning and they were interviewing a guy who had just cycled around the world in 79 days, smashing the world record […]

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A Year in Review and your Goals in Preview

Ok, so it is that time of the year again. Everyone is looking down at their expanding waistline and starting to think about their new year resolutions of getting fit and losing some weight. The internet is going to be awash with blogs about sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions. So I’m not going to […]

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Not giving up on your New Years Health and Fitness resolutions – Part 4 – Lack of Knowledge, Expert Support and Advice

Many people think all they need to do to loose weight and get fit is join the gym and get their membership card. It is not as simple as that. You do have to show up and put the hard work in. This is often where another problem comes in. What do you do when […]

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Not giving up on your New Years Health and Fitness resolutions – Part 3 – Is your Gym up to standard

Your exercise environment will have a huge bearing on whether you are going to stick to your gym programme. Running and cycling are incredibly popular forms of exercise, especially in the countryside surrounding Chichester, and this is because it is such a beautiful area. The same cannot be said for many health clubs. The first […]

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Not giving up on your New Years Health and Fitness resolutions – Part 2 – It’s a question of time

Following on from part 1, where we presented the dire statistics on how many people give up on their fitness goals before the end of January, we are going to look at the most common reasons why people give up on their New Year’s resolutions. Reason 1: Lack of Time. This is actually probably THE […]

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