Mindfulness Archives - Core Results

Tag Archives for " Mindfulness "

Peter has lost 50kg!

The Journey to Losing 50kg This last week, Peter was doing his usual check-in when he saw that he had officially reached his original goal – to lose 50kg! We couldn’t have him reach this milestone and not have him be our member of the week could we? This is a huge achievement and we […]

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A Year in Review and your Goals in Preview

Ok, so it is that time of the year again. Everyone is looking down at their expanding waistline and starting to think about their new year resolutions of getting fit and losing some weight. The internet is going to be awash with blogs about sticking to your New Year’s Resolutions. So I’m not going to […]

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Advent Calendar Day 8 – Benefits of Mindfulness

I was reading an article recently on meditation and a quote that stuck with me was “Meditation is like doing reps in the gym. It strengthens your attention muscle”. I could give you a number of new-age touchy feely reasons, but I think the following outline the benefits of mindfulness and meditation quite accurately: Increase […]

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